Monday, December 19, 2011

Movie Monday: What's your favorite?

I remember having a conversation with my supervisor a few months ago relating to favorite movies. The main point being, there's a BIG difference between your favorite movies, and the greatest movies of all time.

For instance, I love Anchorman. Certainly not one of the greatest movies of all time, yet it probably cracks into my top 15 favorite movies.

So, for your reading pleasure, some lists! (Everybody loves lists)

IMDB's top 10 movies of all time (by user vote):
  1. The Shawshank Redemption
  2. The Godfather
  3. The Godfather, Part II
  4. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
  5. Pulp Fiction
  6. 12 Angry Men
  7. Schindler's List
  8. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
  9. The Dark Knight
  10. The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Now the same list, from Rotten Tomatoes (based on Tomatometer scores)
  1. Man on Wire
  2. Toy Story 2
  3. Taxi to the Dark Side
  4. Toy Story
  5. The Godfather
  6. The Wizard of Oz
  7. A Hard Day's Night
  8. Deliver Us From Evil
  9. Waste Land
  10. Rear Window
So here's what I'm noticing. Firstly, that Rotten Tomatoes is the hipster of movie sites. (Seriously? Toy Story? taxi to the Dark Side?) Also, that IMDB has a much wider base (See "The Dark Knight")

But, let's talk about what everyone's really here for. MY top 10 favorite movies. (Which is subject to change on a whim, so don't judge me too harshly).
  1. Reign Over Me
  2. The Watchmen
  3. Once
  4. Memento
  5. Finding Nemo
  6. The Departed
  7. The Prestige
  8. The Truman Show
  9. (500) Days of Summer
  10. Inception
There it is, in all of it's glory. My personal top 10 of the moment. Which raises the question-
What are YOUR top 10 favorite movies?

Please, feel free to comment, or link to your own blog, or whatver you'd like to do. Or just comment to tell me how crappy my taste in movies is. I welcome it.

I am blogger, hear me roar.

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